How to Hide Your Friends on Facebook
There are many ways to hide your friend list on Facebook. You can unfriend a mutual friend or block certain people from seeing your posts. Below are some of the methods you can use. You can also hide certain custom lists. Here are some of the most common ways to hide your friends on Facebook. Read on to learn more. You can even hide specific posts or pages. You can also set a time limit to when people can see your posts.
Unfriending a friend
You may wonder what happens when you unfriend someone on Facebook. While unfriending a friend isn’t as drastic as blocking them, it is a good idea to consider this option if you’ve lost contact with someone you once knew. Read also : How to Log Out of Facebook in a Snap. Blocking a person on Facebook keeps them from seeing your profile and posts, but they’ll still be able to contact you. If you’d prefer to maintain contact, unfriending is the better option.
To unfriend a friend on Facebook, first visit their profile page and click “Friends” in the upper right hand corner. In this section, you can search for friends or unfriend them directly from the application. If they’re in a Facebook group, you can click on their name to unfriend them. You can also do this by searching for them. On your profile, you’ll find a switch labeled Friends, and you’ll need to check it before you can unfriend them.
There are two ways to unfriend a person on Facebook: in the mobile version, you need to visit the person’s profile and click the gray “Friends” icon. This way, you won’t see anything from that person anymore, and you’ll still be friends. If you want to permanently remove a person from your Facebook friends list, block them. Regardless of which method you choose, unfriending someone will help you avoid the same situation in the future.
Unfriending a mutual friend
If you’ve recently been in a bad relationship with someone on Facebook, you may have accidentally unfriended them. If you have zero mutual friends, it’s possible that you didn’t realize this until it’s too late. Read also : How Do I Delete My Facebook Account?. You can always re-friend them by sending them a new friend request. However, unfriending someone permanently means that you won’t see any of their future posts, unless they decide to share them with you.
The first thing to consider is whether you really want to unfriend someone. Unfriending someone without giving a specific reason is rude. And it can be hard to do without their knowledge, especially if the person is a mutual friend. Remember that unfriending someone depends on the frequency of the two of you using Facebook. If you are a mutual friend with a lot of people, it’s more likely that you’ll be noticed by your mutual friend.
If you have a few mutual friends, it may be a good idea to unfriend them, as a warning message will be less likely to be sent if they are not aware of it. Unfriending someone with whom you have no common connection may not be the best idea. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. You’ll regret it later! If you have any questions or concerns about the removal of a mutual friend, don’t hesitate to ask.
Blocking a mutual friend from seeing your posts
The first step to blocking a person is to go to his or her account. Go to your profile and then to “Settings” > “Blocking.” Here you can select the person you wish to block and click the red minus next to their name. This may interest you : How to Recover Facebook Account – Forgot Your Facebook Password?. These blocked individuals will no longer see any posts or comments from you. In addition, blocked persons will no longer be able to see any posts you make on your wall.
You can determine if a friend has restricted their profile by checking whether it has “friends only” content. If a friend has posted on your Timeline recently, it is possible that they’ve deleted or restricted their profile for privacy reasons. In this case, you can go to your mutual friend’s profile to see which posts have been removed from view. If your mutual friend has blocked you from seeing their posts, you’ll have to unblock them again to see their new posts.
After you’ve blocked a person, they’ll no longer be able to see your posts on Facebook. However, if the person you’re blocking has a public profile, they’ll be able to view your posts and comments. While blocking a mutual friend has similar effects to unfriending, you’ll have to collect the mutual friend IDs of those you’ve blocked. You can then paste those IDs into a URL to see your hidden mutual friends.