How to Hide Friend List in Facebook
If you want to hide your friend list, you can do so via your Privacy settings. If you’re worried that others will see your custom lists, you can set a limit to who can add you as a friend. You can also hide friends you’ve added in the past. But if you don’t want others to see these lists, you can also disable them completely. Listed below are some ways to hide your friends list in Facebook.
Privacy settings
To hide your friend list on Facebook, go to your Account settings page and click the “Privacy” button. You will see two options – “Share with list” and “Don’t share with list. See the article : How Do I Get Facebook API?.” Click Don’t share with list to hide your friends list from people you don’t want to see it. Then, select the person you want to hide your friends list from, either directly from your profile or through your friends list settings.
If you’re using a laptop, you can hide your friends list by going to your timeline and clicking the “Friends” button. You’ll see a list of all your Facebook friends. Select “Manage” to change your friend list’s privacy settings. The list of people you’ve tagged will appear here. Then, choose the option “Friends” and select a privacy level.
To hide your friend list, choose the Custom option from the drop-down menu. Type the names of two friends into the “Don’t share with” section and click “Save Changes.” Then, your friends won’t see the rest of your Facebook friends – only those you want them to see. If you don’t want to hide your friend list from everyone, you can always delete inactive friends from your profile to prevent them from seeing others’ lists.
Alternatives to hiding friends list
If you’re frustrated with having your friends see your full list of friends on Facebook, you can use one of the many alternatives to hiding your friends list on Facebook. By following the steps below, you can keep certain people from seeing the rest of your friends list. Read also : Can I Look at a Facebook Page Anonymously?. While Facebook doesn’t have a feature that allows you to hide your entire friends list, you can still control which friends can see your list. Read on to learn about the best alternatives for hiding your friends list on Facebook.
By choosing “Public” or “Friends except…”, you can choose to hide your friends’ list from everyone, or from specific friends. In addition, you can also select “Specific friends” to keep specific friends’ lists private from all other Facebook users. The final option is “Custom,” which allows you to set specific friends’ lists to only show to you. You can also select “Only me” in the “Share with” section.
In order to hide your friends list, you’ll need to edit your privacy settings on Facebook. By default, Facebook’s privacy settings are “public.” This means that anyone with a Facebook account can see your friends list. If you’d prefer to limit access to your friends list, you can hide your friends list in Facebook and keep your profile information private. This will only affect your friends’ list, though. So, before you start changing your privacy settings, you should consider the options above.
Limiting who can add you as a friend
If you find that certain people keep adding you as a friend, you can limit who can do so. Facebook warns that if you send out too many friend requests in a short period of time, they might be considered as bots and their requests may be rejected. You can also see which friend requests you have received and can decide to cancel them. Read also : What is the Difference Between a Facebook Page and Business Page?. Facebook’s system also recognizes different levels of friendship. You can sort your friends into categories such as “close friends,” “family,” “acquaintances,” and “custom lists.”
If you want to limit the number of people who can add you as a friend, you should first change your privacy settings. By default, you can add only friends who are “friends of your friends.” However, it’s possible to block people who are not mutually-friends or who have blocked profiles on your profile. The average Facebook user is limited to 5000 friends. When you block someone, they will no longer be able to see public content and won’t be able to send you messages.
Many users find it hard to add new friends. If you have 5,000 friends, it might be tempting to add as many as possible. However, you can’t add new friends to people if you haven’t contacted them within the past month. Facebook’s employees explain that this is due to technical issues. It’s also a good idea to turn your profile into a fan page if you want your fans to be able to add you as a friend.