How Do I Hide My Friends on Facebook?
If you’re wondering, ‘How do I hide my friends on Facebook?’ Thankfully, this process is not difficult. Facebook provides a few options to help you do this. These options include Custom friends, the Restricted list, and the ‘Only Me’ option. Read on to learn how to hide two friends and how to keep their names out of your list. Once you’ve made your changes, you can re-visit your friends list whenever you’d like.
Custom friends
If you’d like to hide your Facebook friends from other users, you can do so by going to the Edit Privacy section of your Facebook profile. Under the “Who can see my information” section, select the Custom option. Then, type the names of your two friends into the “Don’t share with” section. On the same subject : Locked Out of Facebook? Here’s How to Get Back in. When finished, click “Save Changes.” Your hidden friends will no longer be able to see your personal posts on Facebook.
The next step is to select the people you don’t want to see your friends list. This can be done through the “Custom Friends” setting. When you choose this option, Facebook will ask you if you’d like to exclude specific people or groups of friends. Choose the option that suits you best. If you’d rather hide your friends list from everyone, choose the first option, and you’ll only be able to see the people you’re currently associated with.
Restricted list
If you’ve been wondering how to hide your friends from Facebook, you’ve come to the right place. You can use the Facebook Restricted list to make certain posts private. You can even add multiple friends to a single restricted list. Read also : How Do I Turn on Check in on Facebook?. Just make sure that you select the proper audience before you hit the “Post” button. It’s that easy! Follow these steps to hide your friends from Facebook. After you’ve done this, you’ll be able to post freely without worrying about the privacy of others.
First, you’ll need to determine if a friend has restricted their profile. You can do this by observing whether your profile’s top area has empty space. If it has, your restricted friend won’t see any of your posts. This is a common glitch. Try refreshing your profile to check whether there’s a gap between private and public posts. If they’re not on your restricted list, you may be able to view their private posts, but not the ones you have posted publicly.
‘Only Me’ option
There are many different ways to hide friends from your Facebook account. Whether you want your list to remain private or not, you have the right to control who can see it. In addition, there are other options available, such as hiding custom lists. Read also : How to Delete Cover Photo on Facebook. However, if you want to keep your list private, you need to use a specific method. Here are the main ways to hide friends on Facebook.
You can hide your friends on Facebook by selecting the ‘Only Me’ option. You can choose a list of people who can view it or only friends you choose to allow. By choosing this option, you can prevent your friends from seeing your friends list and will not see any other information about your account. However, be sure to keep your privacy settings secure. It is not uncommon for friends to view other people’s lists, and you don’t want them to see them.
Blocking people from seeing your friends list
If you’ve ever wanted to make your friends list private, you’ll be happy to learn how to do it on Facebook. While Facebook doesn’t allow you to hide your friends list from everyone, there are a few ways to limit who can see your list. If you want to keep a few people from viewing your posts, choose the “Only Me” option. If you don’t want everyone to know who your friends are, select “Specific friends” or “Only Me.”
Once you have selected the option “Customize your privacy,” go to “Edit Privacy.” Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Custom.” Type in two of your friends’ names under “Don’t share with:” and click Save Changes. Your hidden friends won’t be able to view any of your other Facebook friends. Then, choose a friend who has no Facebook account or is a friend of one of the two you’ve chosen.