What is a Twitter Card in SEO?
You may be wondering what is a Twitter Card, and what you can do with it. Twitter Cards are a great way to include an image in the sidebar, which can help increase your site’s visibility. AIOSEO provides different options for a Twitter Card, including a default image, a featured image, an attached image, and the first picture in the content. Default post Twitter images are automatically included in your posts as a backup image if the featured image source is not available. Other options include an additional piece of data, such as the author’s name, URL, and site description.
Tweets with large images
Using Tweets with large images in your SEO campaigns is not only effective in terms of visibility, but it also improves website performance. The width and height specifications for Twitter ad images can be confusing, though. To see also : How Much Does Twitter Make a Year?. For example, a 600×600 pixel image meets the minimum width requirement and must meet a particular aspect ratio (typically 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1, up to 16:9). Despite the complexities, there are some basic tips that can make the most of this aspect ratio.
First, make sure that the image size is appropriate for the Twitter card. A Summary Card with a Large Image must be at least 280×150 pixels in size. The same applies to the App and Player Cards, which must have images of 640 x 480 pixels. To check the size of your images, you can use the Card Validator or SEO Checker tools. Make sure to use a high-quality image, or your Tweets will not be as effective.
When it comes to image size, remember that Twitter allows up to four images per Tweet. The number of images affects how they display. When you upload two or three images, Twitter will automatically crop them into a landscape orientation. If you have three or more photos, however, they will be displayed vertically. This makes the image size more manageable and is more likely to be seen by users. For example, if your tweet contains two images, you can choose to include the first two in a vertical stack, while three images will be horizontally stacked.
Tweets with video players
Adding videos to your tweets will add an extra dimension to your marketing strategy. In addition to displaying the video itself, your Tweets will also display the full original tweet. WordPress websites are a good fit for this, and you can use Twitter’s WordPress plugin to add video tweets. See the article : How Do You Handle Taliban on Social Media?. These videos are available in high-resolution, high-quality video, and will be easy to embed on your website. And if you’re wondering whether videos are good for SEO, read on!
Tweets with gallery cards
There are several advantages to using Twitter with gallery cards. For one, they make it easier to find your post. Visitors will not have to look at your profile to find out where it is. To see also : What is Elon Musk Going to Do With Twitter?. Twitter automatically resizes images to fit into their posts. In addition, they are more likely to be clicked on and get more favorites and retweets. And they’re more likely to stick around longer, because your tweet will have an image.
In addition, Twitter cards allow you to include compelling text. For example, if you’re producing a video or photo-based content, you can include a link that allows people to watch it without leaving your Twitter account. The same applies if you’re using an image-based medium. Make sure your Twitter card has a call to action – ‘click to expand’ is the most important button.
Twitter has three types of cards. A Summary Card has a small image, a title, and a brief tease of content. A Large Image Summary Card contains a large image. Pick the type depending on your needs and what you’re trying to promote. If you’re selling an e-commerce product, you can use a shoppable link, while a video-based Summary Card is ideal for showcasing an app.