How to Post a Video on YouTube
If you are wondering how to post a video on YouTube, you have come to the right place. With just a little technical knowledge, you can create a video and post it to YouTube. Once your video is uploaded, you can share it on social networks or embed it in your website. And, you can be up and running in less than thirty minutes. If you are just starting out, this article can help you get started.
Create a schedule
One of the most effective ways to grow your audience is to post video on a schedule. This way, you will not feel rushed to create your next video. To see also : What Does Unlisted Mean on YouTube?. You can also choose the days of the week when most of your subscribers will check your channel for new videos. If you create a schedule around the day of your most popular video, you will be more likely to make more videos on that day and have a higher view count.
Add a title
If you want to create a popular video on YouTube, one way to increase views is to include a relevant title. Your title should contain the keywords you want your viewers to click on. Generally, your title should not exceed 50 characters, so make sure to keep it under 60 characters. This may interest you : How to Increase Subscribers on YouTube. There are a few ways to make your title catchier, though. Listed below are some suggestions to help you create an impressive title.
Add a description
When you’re creating a video on YouTube, you can’t afford to neglect the description. It’s the first thing viewers see when they visit your channel. The description is not only a way to tell viewers what the video is about, it can also be an enticing introductory paragraph that draws them in. Read also : How to Download Songs From YouTube. In fact, the first 200 characters are considered “above the fold” and are visible in the search results. By including hashtags, you can direct users to additional resources or even to your social media pages.
Set up a category
The first step in posting videos on YouTube is to set up a category for the videos. You can also create a table of contents that will list your videos in a category with timestamps so your viewers can easily find the videos they’re looking for. In addition, you can also create a category for your videos, if you’re using a video manager. Once you’ve created a category for your videos, you can also set defaults for the channel.
Add a recording date
Adding a recording date to your YouTube videos can be useful if you want to be more visible. You can also hide your recording date for privacy purposes. However, this is not always practical. You should always check with YouTube for the most up-to-date information about the recording date. You can always check out your competitors’ videos to learn what their schedule looks like. By doing this, you’ll be able to plan your content better, avoid double-posting and cross-promote your videos.
Add a location
You can easily add a location to your video by using YouTube’s location-tagging feature. This feature is available for both live streams and existing videos. It can help you get local exposure, while at the same time improving search results. Here are a few ways to geo-tag your video:
Add a chapter
Adding a chapter to a video on YouTube will help viewers navigate the entire length of the video. YouTube uses timestamps to help viewers identify the section of the video in the chapter list. You can add chapters to your videos manually or by using the YouTube Studio to edit the video later. Adding chapters can increase the viewer experience and improve your ranking in search results. Learn more about adding a chapter to your YouTube videos in this article.
Manage comments
If you’re planning to post multiple videos on YouTube, you might want to learn how to manage comments. This will help you save time and avoid scrambling at the last minute. Managing social profiles can be difficult, and YouTube doesn’t have the tools that other sites do. Here are a few tips to make managing comments easy: