How Many Instagram Accounts Are There?
If you’re curious how popular Instagram has become, it’s time to learn its statistics. You can find out how many users there are, the average daily active user base, and how many accounts have more than a hundred million followers. The numbers might be hard to understand but they’re still worth looking at. Whether you’re a savvy businessman or just looking to share your favorite photos, Instagram has become the ultimate social media platform.
Statistics about Instagram
If you’re looking to understand how successful your Instagram marketing is, you’ve probably wondered if statistics about your account are useful. Using these statistics, you can see how many likes you received on specific days. See the article : What Should I Caption My Instagram Post?. You can also see how many people engaged with each post, which can give you an idea of your competitors’ performance. In addition, you can export your data to a variety of popular formats, including Excel, PDF, and PPTX.
In January 2019, Instagram announced 500 million daily active users. In fact, after four years, almost all users are interacting with the stories feature. In addition, the platform has continued to grow at a rapid pace, with an average growth of 100 million new users every four to nine months. The number of monthly active users has risen by a staggering 200 million. While Instagram is a popular social network for sharing photos, other content can be uploaded as well.
Average daily active user base
Snapchat is an excellent example of a platform that is wildly popular among the younger generation, with its average daily active user base of 265 million. With more than 77 million users in the U. Read also : How to Deactivate Your Instagram Account Temporarily.S., it is one of the most popular platforms for millennials. And with a worldwide user base of 1 billion, it’s no surprise that it’s also a hot favorite among the young and hip.
Instagram is rapidly growing, especially outside of the U.S. – India reported 20 million new users between October 2020 and January 2021. By 2022, it is expected to have 100 million daily active users. Instagram’s demographics are well balanced – 51.6% of users are female, and 48.4% are male. According to research, both genders are actively using the platform. But this doesn’t mean that it’s a purely male platform.
Number of instagram accounts
According to the latest statistics from the social media platform, there are 500 million active Instagram accounts around the world. While women are more active on Instagram than men, the number of female accounts is still higher than that of male accounts. Instagram users in the United States are 59% female while men make up the remaining 24% of its user base. On the same subject : How Do I Remove an Instagram Account I’ve Added to My Phone?. Despite the gender split, the service remains popular among the younger generation. Among users aged 18-to-24, 75% are female.
Earlier this year, Instagram hit the billion-user mark. Since then, the platform has grown by more than a billion. Instagram does not publish a full number of users because it tracks only monthly active users, which are those who log in at least once a month. That means the total number of Instagram accounts is probably much higher. The platform has been undergoing a great deal of controversy in recent months due to a controversy surrounding child safety.
Number of instagram accounts with more than 100 million followers
In an effort to determine who has the most Instagram followers, a number was calculated to compare the most popular Instagram accounts. According to this count, Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese footballer, is the most popular account on the social network with over 441 million followers. Kylie Jenner, an American reality television star, has over 330 million followers. In addition to these popular accounts, Instagram itself is the most popular brand account with over 470 million followers. National Geographic, another popular brand account, has 221 million followers.
The following are some popular Instagram accounts with over 100 million followers. The most popular categories are Home & Auto, Content & Apps, Publishers, and Government Agencies. There are also 2 accounts with more than 400 million followers, while one account has over 500 million followers. If you are looking for a new Instagram account, you can find the most popular ones in these categories by scrolling through the most popular hashtags.