Why Can’t I See Comments on Facebook?
Sometimes, you cannot see the comments that are left on your posts on Facebook if you’re using the mobile version of the platform. To resolve this issue, try restarting your device or refreshing the browser. If these do not work, check out these other solutions:
Restarting a phone
Restarting a phone to see comments may fix the problem when a Facebook post cannot load or a comment cannot be seen. In some cases, resetting the network settings can also resolve the problem. If the app itself is causing the problem, force-quit the app and restart. If this doesn’t work, try restarting the phone. Resetting the network settings may also fix any other minor problems on your phone.
If restarting the phone to view comments on Facebook has not helped, you may be using a phone with a faulty cellular connection. This can prevent the Facebook app from loading properly. Before resetting your phone, make sure you have backed up all important data on your device. It may also help to uninstall or reinstall the Facebook app. You may also need to restart the phone’s firmware if it is the cause of the problem.
Refreshing a browser
If you can’t view the comments on your Facebook page, the problem may be with the cache element in your browser. This cache can cause the page to malfunction and prevent comments from loading. To clear the cache, click on the three dotted icon in the Chrome screen. This will force the Facebook page to refresh, and you should be able to view your comments. However, if the problem persists, you may have to manually clear the cache on your browser.
Refreshing a browser can also fix the problem of text-based updates. By default, a page is refreshed whenever there is new content added to it. However, you can disable this process by disabling the auto-refresh feature in your Web browser. Mozilla Firefox displays a warning when the page is about to refresh. To disable the refresh process, open Internet Explorer and go to the Security tab.
Refreshing the app
If you are unable to read comments on your Facebook page, you may need to refresh the application. This is a simple way to resolve the problem. Refreshing the app will force your comment page to load. After doing so, you can sign in to Facebook and try to view your comments again. However, you may still encounter issues, like Facebook notifications not appearing or displaying correctly. Fortunately, there are some powerful extensions available for your Facebook app that can resolve these issues and keep your Facebook experience as good as possible.
If your Facebook app doesn’t show any comments, you may have cached data on your device. Having cached data on your device will slow down your Facebook experience. If you’ve recently deleted data from your phone, clearing the cache will fix the problem. You can also try to delete any other apps that might be affecting the loading of your Facebook app. This method will fix the comment issue immediately. However, it might not be an optimal option for your device.
Restarting a computer
If you’re having trouble seeing comments on Facebook, try restarting your computer. To do so, open the Start menu and choose the Restart option. This may not work, depending on your browser. For Windows 10, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, follow the specific instructions for your particular version of Windows. If none of those work, try restarting your computer and try again. If the problem persists, try disabling any third-party extensions.
Alternatively, if the problem persists, try restarting your browser. The restarting process can help solve most common problems, including issues with a poor internet connection. Facebook requires a good internet connection, so if your connection is bad, you may not see the comments. To test your internet connection, use another website or app to see if it works. If it still doesn’t help, try logging in to your Facebook account again and try again.
Checking if you’re logged in
If you’re unable to see comments on your Facebook profile page, you’re probably experiencing a problem with your browser. To resolve this, you’ll need to make sure you’re logged into Facebook. To do this, visit the Settings menu and click on General. Then, click on the Extensions tab and disable any extensions that you don’t recognize. You’ll need to reopen the Facebook application to see comments, and re-enter your credentials.
Logging into Facebook from a different computer is also a viable option. If you’re using a Mac or PC, click on the “See More” button to view your Facebook history. This will give you a list of devices used to log into the social network. If you’re not using a Mac or PC, be sure to log out of all devices before continuing. You may have to change your password to prevent unauthorized access.
Checking if you’ve been unfriended
If you have been unfriended on Facebook, it’s likely that you don’t receive an email or message. However, you can still check to see if someone is still connected to your account. To do so, visit their profile page and look for the “Friends” label. If you do not see this icon, the person has unfriended you. You can also send a friend request again, but this will only work if they are a current Facebook user.
In some cases, people can unfriend you as often as they want, but they should avoid doing so when they don’t want to talk. If this happens frequently, it may be best to discuss it in person. If you don’t want to risk having a fight with a person, it’s best to sort out the issue amongst yourself. However, there are tell-tale signs to look for when you’ve been unfriended on Facebook.