How to Upload Video on YouTube Step-By-Step
You may be wondering how to upload video on YouTube. Luckily, this article will walk you through the process step-by-step. In this article, you’ll learn how to add music and audio effects, write a description, tag your video, and even add closed captions! Before you start, be sure to review YouTube’s Community Guidelines. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to publish a high-quality video on YouTube that gets the attention of your viewers.
Add music and audio effects
If you want to increase your video’s entertainment value, you can add music and audio effects. However, professional video makers never add background music while shooting. To see also : How Much Does YouTube Pay?. Instead, they add music in the editing stage. Here are the steps to add music and audio to your video:
Add a description
You can add a description to your YouTube videos by going to the account’s Creator Studio. Adding a description is an effective way to credit sources or cite individuals who helped you make the video. You can also use the description to promote your website. Read also : How to Make YouTube Channel – The Basics. You can add links to your videos from the desktop website or from the mobile app. The more information you provide about the video, the more likely viewers are to click on it.
Add tags
If you’re wondering how to add tags to videos on YouTube, you’re not alone. Adding tags to your video can help your video rank higher in YouTube search results, but it can also harm your video’s rankings. YouTube allows you to add as many tags as you want to your video, although they have minimal effect on rankings. This may interest you : How Was YouTube Created?. If you’re concerned about how to use tags to maximize your video’s exposure, consider adding five to twenty of them. While studies have not yet shown a direct correlation between the number of tags you add and the number of views you’ll get from those tags, it’s good to be as creative as possible when adding tags to your video.
Add closed captions
Adding closed captions to your videos is one of the most important growth hacks for YouTube. Not only does it make your videos more appealing to viewers, but it also helps you evenly distribute them across various social media networks. This is an important factor to consider as social media sites are one of the best ways to promote your content. Additionally, captions can improve your ranking on Google. Below are some tips for adding closed captions to your videos.
Add an end screen
If you’re trying to increase your viewership on YouTube, you should consider adding an End Screen to your video. The benefits of adding an End Screen are many, but the most obvious one is that it increases the likelihood of viewers subscribing and watching more of your videos. End screens can include links to other videos, playlists, and other YouTube channels. If you’re unsure whether this is a good idea, here’s how you can add one to your videos:
Write a short synopsis
There are two main purposes of a description: to boost SEO keyword search results and to encourage viewers to view your video longer. YouTube allows up to 5000 characters for the description, but you should make it as compelling as possible. Remember that your description is the first thing viewers will see in search results, so you want to use it wisely. Make sure you incorporate your brand voice and include important links in your description.
Add a title
Before uploading your video to YouTube, you should think about the keywords your target audience would be searching for. Summarize those ideas into simple keywords. Next, add a title to your video that includes the keyword in the first line. To add a title to your video, go to YouTube’s Creator Studio. There, you’ll see a list of all the videos you’ve uploaded. Click on the title field and then select the upload option. Once the video loads, you can edit the title.
Schedule a video to appear in your subscribers’ feeds
When you want to schedule a video to appear in your subscribers’ newsfeeds on YouTube, you must first set the publishing date and time. This will allow you to publish the video when you’d like it to appear. Once you’ve set the time and date, you can also change the status of the video. When it’s ready to be published, you must set the visibility to “Private” or “Public.”