How to Uninstall YouTube on Android
If you are looking for instructions to uninstall YouTube on Android, then this article is for you. By following these steps, you can ensure that all of your data from YouTube is permanently erased, restored to its previous version, and disabled. This will ensure that your Android phone is ready for new updates. Read on to learn how to uninstall YouTube on Android. Here are a few ways to do this. Just remember that you may have to restart your device to use the app again.
YouTube data will be erased, restored to its original version, and disabled
This method can help you fix your issue with YouTube on phone. You will need to clear the cache data and cookies. This method is applicable for Chrome and Android users. You can also reinstall the YouTube app to fix the issue with iOS. This may interest you : How to Watch Fox News Live on YouTube Without a Cable Subscription. However, you should not delete any data from the YouTube app itself. You must delete the cache data and cookies from the Google Play Store first. If the problem persists, try to restore the YouTube app from a recent version.
If you’ve installed YouTube on your Mac, you should also clear the cache on your Mac. YouTube often clashes with your system cache and app cache. To fix this issue, open the System Preferences window and click Date & Time. You can then enable automatic date and time settings or manually set the date and time to your current settings. Once you’ve done this, restart your Mac.
In addition to this, YouTube has implemented several new regulations aimed at preventing harmful practices. It has taken steps to protect children under 13 and has reduced the monetization potential of “unhealthy” content. YouTube has also removed the dislike counter. The new rules also affect developers. The API used to calculate the dislike count will no longer be available to them. Without this, websites or extensions using the dislike count will no longer be able to show accurate numbers of videos’ dislikes.