How to Turn on Comment on YouTube From Your Phone
If you want to leave a comment on your YouTube videos, you must know how to enable it. A YouTube thumbnail is a rectangle preview screen of a video. By enabling comments, you can also block certain words or links. But, before we discuss how to enable comments on specific videos, let’s know what the comment settings are. And what about disabled comments? How can you do it from a phone?
Changing comment settings
Changing comment settings on YouTube is easy once you know how. You can disable comments by default, and you can enable them later if you wish. This will save you from manually adjusting these settings for each video. See the article : How Many Flags Does it Take to Remove a YouTube Video?. You can click the channel icon in the top-right corner of your screen. Click Settings. From the list of options, click Community and select Disable comments. You can then select the comments you would like to disable in your channel.
There are other options available to you. If you want to block comments from specific users or groups, you can disable live chat. You can also hide and unhide problematic users. If you have a YouTube Studio account, you can disable comments from the “Comments” tab. You can also edit or delete comments. Hover over the comment and click the pencil icon to edit it. You can also disable live chat completely if you want.
Disabling comments
There are several reasons to disable comments on YouTube. Sometimes you may be dealing with a special situation and want to remove comments to protect your content. Other times, you may want to keep your comments enabled to deal with spammers and general malcontents. Either way, you should know why you’re doing it. To see also : How to Download a YouTube Video on Android. Listed below are the top 3 reasons to disable comments on YouTube. Let’s explore each of them. Let’s say you’re a business owner. If your video contains some type of content, your audience is likely to be watching it.
Disabling comments on YouTube allows you to control what other people can say. If you don’t want to see comments from others, disable them for the entire video. YouTube will process the change for you, but it may take a while. When you’re done, you can enable comments again. Once you enable comments again, you can simply repeat the process for other videos. Disabling comments on YouTube will save you from the hassle.
Blocking certain words and links
If you are not interested in videos with inappropriate content, you can block them on YouTube. You can also block certain words. To do this, you have to hover over the video and select ‘Edit settings’ from the drop-down menu. See the article : What Full Movies Are Free on YouTube?. If you have a mobile device, you may not be able to select Edit settings. Fortunately, there is an easy way to unblock channels. Blocking individual channels does not allow you to see a list of blocked channels.
Creating a list of words and URLs you want to block on YouTube will help you keep the site free of abusive or injurious content. You can also block comments that contain certain words or links to other sites. YouTube will flag comments containing these words for review. This is a great way to prevent spam comments and ensure your YouTube channel is safe and enjoyable for your audience. Alternatively, you can simply block certain words and links that you don’t want to receive.
Disabling comments from a phone
When you’re trying to get rid of negative comments on YouTube videos, you may not have a computer handy. You can disable YouTube comments from your mobile phone by going to your settings and choosing the option in the Advanced settings. While this process is the same for desktop computers, it is a bit more complicated on mobile devices. Here are a few tips to make it easier on your phone. Make sure to check out the comments policy before you start making changes.
When uploading videos on YouTube, you’ll be prompted to turn off comments. To disable comments, simply go to the settings menu and select “Disable comments.” If you want to enable comments, click the checkbox next to “Enabled.” You’ll be presented with this option each time you upload a new video. By enabling this option, your videos will remain anonymous and not appear in search results.
Enabling comments from a computer
When you’re watching a YouTube video, you may be wondering how to enable comments. You can do this by visiting the video’s thumbnail, which is the rectangular preview screen. In this step, you will select the option Enable comments on YouTube, and then click Save. Then, you’ll be able to post comments on specific videos. If you’re on a public computer, ask the system administrator to enable comments on the video.
If the comments still don’t load, check your browser settings. Sometimes, a browser will disable commenting on YouTube for a certain video. If this is the case, you can enable them again by changing their settings. Sometimes, YouTube will disable commenting on specific videos in order to protect minors. Disable your VPN and try to watch the video again to see if that fixes the problem. This can be a simple fix to enable comments on YouTube.