How to Turn Comments Off on Facebook
Trying to figure out how to turn comments off on Facebook? The web version of Facebook is slightly more complicated. To manage your comments, you must log in using your browser. Click the upside-down triangle next to the status bar, then click Settings. Click Privacy. Then, choose the audience you’d like to receive comments from. You can also choose to hide comments from your timeline. This feature is particularly helpful if you’re constantly checking for comments on a post or don’t want them to clutter your timeline.
Disable commenting on your own posts
If you’re sick of people leaving comments on your posts on Facebook, you can disable commenting on your own posts. Disabling comments means you won’t receive unwanted attention for your posts. To see also : When You Delete a Conversation on Facebook Does the Other Person Still Have It?. You can turn off comments for any post that you want to keep private, and if someone is being particularly rude, you can delete their comment. To do this, you can go to the settings of your page and click the comments box.
Once you’ve done that, you can turn off comments on all your posts. This option is available on both pages and groups on Facebook. To do this, you need to be a group admin or an original poster of the post. You can also disable comments on other people’s posts. The options for disabling comments are available in the settings menu, and they’re easy to find. If you’re not an admin, just log in as normal and follow the instructions on your Facebook page.
Limit commenting on posts of friends
If you want to limit who can comment on your past posts, you can use the “Friends only” or “Close Friends” options. If you don’t want people to see the content of your posts, choose the first option. To see also : What Can I Write on Father’s Day on Facebook?. This will only limit people you know from your list. It won’t stop friends who’ve recently made public posts from commenting, but it will prevent others from commenting on them.
You can also choose whether you want to limit comments on posts by friends, profiles, and pages. This option is only available to Facebook users. The default setting is to allow everyone to comment on posts, but you can select a specific group to limit it to. To restrict comments on friends’ posts, go to the settings menu and click “Edit Commenting Rules.”
Limit commenting on posts of business pages
If you are concerned about the number of people commenting on your posts, you can control who can leave comments and turn off the feature on your business page. Facebook provides you with settings that will allow you to limit the amount of people who can comment on public posts. You can also turn off comments altogether. Read also : How to Find Facebook Url in Different Formats. This way, your page will no longer attract unwanted interaction and you will have more time to promote your business. To enable the feature, simply log into your Facebook account and navigate to the Settings > General.
The change will take effect soon. Facebook said that this will help limit the number of people who can post comments on business pages. People can only comment on posts if they’re friends or tagged in the post. You can also restrict commenting to specific profiles or only to the friends of friends. Facebook explained that this change was intended to protect businesses from inappropriate and defamatory interactions. However, the new setting may not be immediately noticeable.
Hide comments on your own timeline
If you’re tired of being bothered by inappropriate comments on other people’s Facebook pages, you can hide comments on your own timeline. The good news is that you can also unhide the comments left by other people. While you can’t remove hidden comments, you can report them. But you should be very careful about what you hide, as it could cause you trouble in the future. This article will show you how to do it properly.
The process of hiding comments on your own timeline on Facebook is simple. All you need to do is hover your cursor over the comment. Then, you’ll see three dots. Click them to see a menu. Click “Hide comment” or “Unhide Comment”. This way, you can see only your friends’ comments and not the comments of others. To view hidden comments again, you just need to go back to your timeline and click the three dots again.