How to Start a Space on Twitter
There are a number of ways to join Spaces on Twitter. In this article, we’ll go over how to start one, switch from being a listener to a speaker, and report a Space. Spaces can be fun, and if you want to know how to make the most of them, keep reading. Getting started is the most important step – and it may surprise you that it’s easier than you think.
Joining a Space
Whenever you want to participate in a session, all you have to do is join a Space hosted by a Twitter user. This way, other users can join in on the conversation. To join a Space, tap on its link or open the app to view the details of that Space. Read also : How to Lock Twitter Account. After you’ve joined, you can start listening to the session. To hear more from other participants, tap on the “Join this space” link and join as a member.
Spaces are conversations on a specific topic. You can join them anytime, as long as there are other people participating. Spaces are characterized by purple borders, and you can find them at the top of your timeline. Once you’ve joined, you can speak, react with emojis, and listen to the conversation. You can also send DMs and emails to other people in the Space. The process is simple, and you’ll soon find yourself interacting with other Twitter users.
Switching from a listener to a speaker
Switching from a listener to emoji can help you participate in Twitter Spaces. You can find these spaces by tapping the blue or purple ring next to the avatar of the person who is speaking. The button will show you all the members of the Space. Read also : What is an Impression on Twitter?. You can also tap to join. To become a speaker, you must first invite other people. After inviting your friends, you can start a conversation.
Switching from a listener to emojis is the easiest way to start a discussion. After inviting your followers, you can create a space and invite people to participate. You can also change the permission options to allow more people to join the chat. You can also switch from a listener to a speaker during the chat. However, it is important to remember that this feature does not save your conversation.
Ending a Space
How do you end a Space on Twitter? Spaces are private conversations hosted by you in real time. You can invite others to join and can share content there. The app launched in December 2020 as a beta and is now available on iOS and Android. This may interest you : What Are Fleets on Twitter?. It has become a popular way to interact with others, and many users have already used it to share their stories, opinions, and experiences. To host a Space, follow the steps below.
Before you can share your tweet, first you must find it. Next, tap on the share icon on the right-hand side of the tweet. Choose “Your Space” as the option. Now, the tweet will appear at the top of your Space. Tap on it to share your space with your followers. When you’re finished, tap on the end button. Then you’ll be able to share your tweet with others.
Reporting a Space
One way to report an offending user in a Space is by logging into your account on Twitter and clicking on “Report this user”. Then, choose the option you want – block, mute, or delete the user. A Space host may also choose to report an offending user directly to Twitter, so they won’t be able to join another Space. However, if an offending user repeatedly makes offensive comments, you can opt to report the space to Twitter.
One of the best uses of Twitter’s new audio chat feature is in journalism. Rather than having to create and maintain a separate website, a Space allows journalists to engage with their audiences in real-time. In addition to live conversations, Spaces also offer audio chat rooms. Participants can invite others to join their conversation and contribute to the conversation. For instance, Reggie Murphy recently hosted a Space to collect feedback on his direct messages.