How Many Trump Followers on Twitter?
It is difficult to say how many people follow Trump on Twitter. But it is clear that the President-elect has an inconsistent message and his language is more “genuine” than those of his opponents. The following of Obama is the highest of any politician, while that of Biden has grown steadily since winning the election. Trump’s popularity may not be as strong as his supporters would like, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a leader.
Obama is the most followed politician on Twitter
According to a recent survey by Burson-Marsteller, U.S. President Barack Obama is the most followed politician on Twitter. He has a total of 17 million followers. According to the survey, Obama was the first world leader to fully use social media to boost his popularity. Read also : How Do Graphic Designers Use Twitter?. On 9 May, Obama posted the most popular tweet among all world leaders. At that time, his account also ranked fifth overall in the Twitterverse, just behind singer Katy Perry. His followers are increasing at a rate of around 1,213 per minute. This is impressive considering that the average follower growth rate of a Twitter account is about a hundred followers per minute.
Barack Obama’s Twitter account was set up by Organizing for Action, which was formed during the 2012 reelection campaign. The former president has already won several social media prizes. He had the most followers of any politician at his 2009 inauguration and had the most heavily guarded inauguration in history. And after his reelection in 2012, he broke three Guinness records and set a record for the most likes on a Facebook item within twenty-four hours.
Biden’s following has grown steadily since winning the election
Joe Biden’s popularity has risen and fallen since he was first elected in 2008 and is gaining more supporters with every passing day. He has been credited with steering the Obama administration’s foreign policy agenda and leading several key committees, including the Judiciary. This may interest you : How to View Blocked Twitter Accounts. He is also a respected politician and served as an emissary to Republican congressional leaders, helping craft budget compromises with Mitch McConnell. In recent years, Biden has been weighed as a possible presidential candidate, although many in his orbit were convinced Hillary Clinton was the better choice.
In the primary campaign, many progressives criticized Biden for calling for bipartisanship. Progressives portrayed him as out-of-touch and a failed politician, while conservatives saw him as an old guru whose policies were too small to reach the American people. The progressives also thought Biden was too partisan, offering incremental solutions to their problems. In the debates, he was pummeled by Democratic rivals and criticized for his role in the 1994 crime bill and his support of segregationist senators.
Trump’s tweets are inconsistent
The criticism of Donald Trump’s tweets is often based on his unreliability. His statements on Twitter are supposedly inconsistent, but the majority of mainstream critics spend hours trying to find such contradictions. On the same subject : What is a Fleet Twitter?. In reality, if you were to read a tweet, you’d probably find no contradictions if it were a reaction to a co-tweet, or a retweet. The same is true of his statements on the media.
While the Twitter account of Donald Trump topped the list of accounts driving more impressions on Twitter, many of his tweets were contradictory and violated Twitter’s rules. He also promoted conspiracy theories and undermined faith in our democratic institutions, which are the foundations of our country. For example, Trump falsely claimed that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election, blaming Russian interference for Hillary Clinton’s defeat, and accusing President Obama of illegally wiretapping citizens during the campaign.
His language is more “genuine” than that of opponents
The power of reshaping language is immense. But rebranding fake news as “true” news could have dangerous consequences for the democracy. For instance, adding a word like “black” to a gun does not eliminate its meaning. Instead, it specifies the kind of gun. Even a black gun can shoot something. The same logic applies to Trump’s language.
His tweets have sparked outrage
Whether or not President Donald Trump’s tweets are inflammatory depends on how you look at the context. The Oscars ceremony was full of criticism, but one tweet from President Trump made headlines nonetheless. He tweeted that his home security was “a priority” for the country, but many commentators found that his tweets were inflammatory. Earlier in 2018, President Trump defended white nationalists in Charlottesville by saying “they deserve our support!” However, many people questioned his’moral equivalence’ of the two groups. Similarly, his tweets on the topless photograph of the Duchess of Cambridge’s honeymoon have received outrage.
As outrage grew from the president’s tweets, legal experts weighed in on the issue. Law professor Barbara McQuade of the University of Michigan said that Trump’s tweet compared him to a king of Scotland. While many deemed the remark inflammatory, the tweet was still considered “sinister” by McQuade. “We are living in a dangerous time, and we have to deal with the consequences of the president’s actions,” she said.
His followers aren’t transferring to Biden’s account
Twitter is preparing for the transition between Trump and Biden by not automatically transferring millions of Obama’s followers to Biden’s account. Instead, Twitter will let users decide whether to continue following Trump or follow Biden. Starting January, government-led accounts, such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, will transfer to the Biden administration. Meanwhile, the President-elect’s account, @realDonaldTrump, has over 88 million followers.
The transition of the @POTUS Twitter account will be complicated but not as ruthless as some have suggested. As the next president, Joe Biden will inherit a new version of the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts. Users who followed @POTUS under Trump will automatically be asked to follow Biden. Twitter outlined its transition plans on Jan. 20.