Should You Upload Your First Album to YouTube?
One way to find full albums is by searching “full albums” on YouTube. This will bring up albums from classic artists and new releases alike. However, the system is glitchy and can lead to piracy. If you’re a new artist, you may be concerned about piracy. Read on to learn whether you should upload your first album to YouTube. If so, you may want to consider using the video hosting service Vudu instead.
Searching for “full albums” on YouTube will pull up classic albums and new releases
While a search for “full albums” on YouTube will bring up both new releases and classics, you will also encounter a problem with illegal content. By searching for “full albums”, you’ll see classic albums from the 1980s and new releases from today. This may interest you : How to Listen to YouTube With Screen Off. A search for “The Search For Everything” by John Mayer will also yield results that link to download illegally. Humanz by the Gorillaz is another example of a classic album with a link to download illegally.
YouTube’s album playlist system is glitchy
YouTube’s album playlist system is a complete mess, and users are begging the company to fix it. The system cycles between the same 20-30 songs, and sometimes even repeats the same song, stopping the download mid-stream. The company has acknowledged this problem, and is working on a fix. This may interest you : How to Share a YouTube Playlist. Unfortunately, there is no ETA on when a fix will be available. In the meantime, users can work around the glitch by renumbering the files in the order they want to hear them.
Potential for piracy
YouTube is the home of millions of full albums, many of which have been uploaded by users. Miley Cyrus’s video, for example, has received 383 million views. This massive exposure and direct advertising from Vevo are clear benefits for Miley Cyrus, but that does not necessarily translate to the benefit of full albums. Read also : The Easiest Way to Download YouTube Videos on iPhone. Similarly, labels cannot benefit from full albums uploaded by users, since they do not have the benefit of monetizing the uploads. To address this issue, the music industry has used YouTube’s takedown process to take down the albums. Thankfully, Google is not an ally of rights holders.
Should you upload your first album to YouTube
Many musicians spend months or even years recording their debut album. Now they’re ready to show the world what they’ve been working on, but do they really need to upload their first album to YouTube? This question has long been an issue for musicians, so let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of doing so. Here are some of the biggest pros and cons of uploading your first album to YouTube.
Before you decide to upload your album to YouTube, think about your audience. Is your audience young? Does it tend to use YouTube? Or is it more geared toward older folks? If your target audience is young, you might want to upload it to iTunes. Older people, on the other hand, are less likely to explore the internet. Your decision will ultimately depend on your fan base. However, make sure you have an audience in mind when determining how to market your music.