How to Search Twitter by Date
If you’ve ever wondered how to search Twitter by date, you’ve come to the right place. Using regular search filters, you can easily find Tweets from before, during, and after a specific date. Here are some useful tips:
Find tweets that mention a specific account
One of the easiest ways to find tweets that mention a particular account is to use Twitter’s search tool. This feature allows you to search tweets containing specific keywords, hashtags, or locations. See the article : Why is Elon Musk Buying Twitter?. The search results page allows you to filter by date, geographic location, and language detection terms to refine your search. It’s easy to find tweets about a specific account or brand and view them chronologically, by date or by account.
To find tweets that mention a specific account, go to Twitter’s search tool and type in the specific account. There, you can also specify a date range and a geographic location. By specifying the exact date, you can find tweets from any date since the account’s first public Tweet. Once you’ve narrowed your search, you can select the tweets that contain the keywords or phrases you’re looking for.
Twitter search tool – Twitter provides an easy way to find tweets by a certain user. There are three ways to search tweets – using the username or hashtag, or adding a keyword to the search. The search tool shows a screenshot of the account’s tweets on a specific date, so you can view older tweets. The search tool only includes tweets that have a minimum of 20 characters, so you’ll have to scroll further back to find older tweets.
Find tweets that mention a geographic location
Geolocation information is available in every tweet from Twitter users who have enabled this feature. Tweets mentioning a geographic location will have a geo-tag. These tweets are tagged with the exact coordinates of the user’s location. Read also : How to Change Twitter Sensitive Content Settings. If the user has enabled geolocation in their profile, the location will appear in red font on their profile. The coordinates are located above the time and date line.
To find Tweets that mention a specific geographic location on Twitter, first start by searching for the keyword or area. Try to search for “New York City” or “Vancouver”. This will give you a list of Tweets that mention your city, state, or country. To narrow your search further, you can combine the hashtag or location with your keyword or location. For instance, if you’re interested in finding tweets about Zuccotti Park, you can filter the search using #OWS. The hashtag is often used on specific Tweets about the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.
Another option for finding Tweets mentioning a geographic location on Twitter is to do a simple geo-location search using the Twitter advanced search feature. This tool is accessible from Twitter’s main page and requires that the user mention their location in the tweet. Since the location is so rare, this feature is not available for all users. Bookmark it so you can find it easily the next time you’re searching for tweets that mention a particular location. If you need to find tweets about a specific location, you can also use the regular search to search for tweets.
Find tweets that mention a competitor
If you’re wondering how to find tweets that mention a competitor, don’t worry. Twitter has a feature called Advanced Search that helps you monitor competitor sentiment. Read also : What Happens When You Mute Someone on Twitter?. Simply type in a competitor’s name into the search box and you’ll be shown tweets containing the “unhappy” emoticon. Then, you can easily filter these tweets to only include those from people you follow, or even competitors you’d like to keep tabs on.
To search for tweets that mention a competitor, simply go to the Twitter analytics dashboard. By navigating to this page, you can filter the tweets by date range, type, or hashtag. You can also sort by a specific competitor account to see which ones have the most followers, as well as most retweets. Once you have sorted by date, you can then use these tweets to plan your content.
If you want to search for exact phrases, use double-quotes. For instance, typing “digital marketing” would give you results that contain this exact phrase. Then, you can follow that phrase with an @ sign to see the full list of mentions. Similarly, using question marks would help you find tweets with negative sentiment. There are also some other ways to find tweets that mention a competitor on Twitter.