Why Does My Music Stop When I Open Facebook?
If you’ve noticed that your music keeps stopping when you open Facebook, you’re not alone. There are several possible causes for this, including the re-installation of the app or restarting your phone. In this article, we’ll discuss some potential solutions to this problem, as well as how to disable video autoplay or background programs. If none of these solutions work, try these simple fixes:
Delete Facebook app
There are several possible causes for your music to stop playing when you open Facebook. First, you must ensure that your iPhone’s music app is set to “on” before you open it. Facebook has a default setting for music to start automatically when you open the app, but sometimes it doesn’t. To see also : How Facebook Covid19 Works on YouTube. In this case, you can force-close the app without deleting it. You may want to try unticking this option in Facebook settings.
If your music app isn’t playing, try unchecking the option “Auto-play” when you’re playing it. This may resolve the auto-play problem, but restarting your iPhone won’t fix the problem. Another potential cause of this problem is running multiple apps. Running multiple apps at once slows down your phone’s processing speed, which results in system lag and crashes. Try to keep only a few apps open at a time.
Update Facebook app
If you are unable to play your music when you open Facebook, you might have to shut down any other background apps. To do this, open the Facebook app and hold down the option “Overview”. This will bring up a small menu. To activate the In-App Sound, select the tick. Read also : How to Delete Check Ins on Facebook. The tick should disappear after successful adjustments. Now, your music should play properly when you open Facebook. Try to reinstall Facebook or Apple Music if the above method does not work.
To uninstall the Facebook app, first launch the Play Store app and type “Facebook” in the search box. Click the Install option, and then tap on the app’s name. Once the Facebook app is removed from your phone, you’ll be able to use Apple Music again. Make sure you update your app to a recent version. Bugs are the most common cause of this issue.
Disable background programs
To prevent Facebook from hogging your phone battery, disable its background processes. Several Facebook background processes consume more than 120MB of RAM, and they aren’t removed when you close them. Disabling these background processes is an easy way to extend the battery life of your smartphone. This may interest you : How to Snooze Someone on Facebook. First, force-stop Facebook. Force-stopping Facebook will remove the background processes. Alternatively, you can try Greenifying Facebook, which will cause your phone to restart and act like a useless task killer.
To disable the background processes of Facebook, try turning off the background applications. These apps are data-heavy and take up a significant amount of RAM. Disabling these programs will help you to save memory while allowing your phone to run faster. Disabling the background activities of these processes will also allow you to avoid Facebook notifications and the background activity that it causes. Once you turn off these background processes, you’ll notice that Facebook no longer consumes a significant portion of your phone’s RAM.
Disable video autoplay
If you use a mobile browser, Facebook allows you to disable video autoplay when opening your profile. While autoplay videos may be interesting, they can also be distracting and annoying. Disabling autoplay will prevent the background videos from playing and save data. Below are steps to turn off Facebook video autoplay for your mobile device. Then, you can watch Facebook videos without any interruptions. You can do the same for any website.
To turn off video autoplay when opening Facebook, navigate to the settings of your device. On mobile, tap the stop button. Next, swipe left on the green bar next to the “Autoplay” option. On desktop, click the three-lined menu icon at the top right of the screen. Once there, click the video option. If you’re still having trouble disabling video autoplay, try turning off the sound and adjusting the volume of your video player.