Who Does Donald Trump Follow on Twitter?
You might be wondering who does Donald Trump follow on Twitter. This article will answer your questions about his most popular social media accounts. The president follows a handful of people, including Reince Preibus, Corey Lewandowski, and Kellyanne Conway. But if you’re looking for the real Donald Trump, you’ll find a surprisingly long list of people he follows.
Reince Preibus
The White House is abuzz over reports that President-elect Donald Trump has started following Priebus on Twitter. Priebus, the President’s shortest-serving Chief of Staff, has been a consistent critic of Trump and has repeatedly said he resigned, privately. This may interest you : Who Tweets on Twitter?. But was he forced out? That remains to be seen, but it certainly seems like it. And if Priebus was a fan of Trump, then he could have been the driving force behind his campaign.
On Thursday, Reince Priebus resigned from his post as White House chief of staff. His replacement is Gen. John Kelly, the homeland security secretary. Priebus’ departure caused a backlash in the White House, especially after the resignation was announced by Scaramucci. But Priebus did not quit immediately. He resigned on Thursday and Trump tweeted about it shortly after landing on Air Force One. It was a brief moment, but a sarcastic remark from Trump is a clear indication that he’s not happy with Priebus.
Priebus’s tweets have been a constant source of discontent with the new chief of staff, Anthony Scaramucci, who has repeatedly threatened to push Priebus out. The pressure has been mounting for months and the new communications director’s hiring has only shattered his allies in the White House. In January, Priebus blocked Scaramucci from getting a job in the administration based on his role in the sale of his company SkyBridge Capital to a Chinese firm.
Corey Lewandowski
If you’re not familiar with Corey Lewandowski, he’s a former campaign manager for Donald Trump. He’s also been linked to a controversial incident in which he grabbed the arm of Michelle Fields, a former Breitbart reporter. Read also : How Do I Find Someone’s Twitter Account?. The campaign manager also played an important role in Sacha Baron Cohen’s prank comedy show Who is America?
Corey Lewandowski is married to Trump and was the former campaign manager for the president-elect. He was fired ahead of the 2016 Republican convention, but returned to prominence during the transition. During Trump’s White House years, he emerged as an adviser and surrogate. He oversees the Make America Great Again Action super PAC, which is one of Trump’s major supporters.
While some claim that Trump’s tweets are fake news, others counter that his strategy focuses on deflection, not outright lying. Despite his public bluffs, Trump’s tweets carry a hazy air. Read also : How to Change Sensitive Content on Twitter. This article will explore the strategy Trump uses to counter the false news narrative. The strategy involves ambiguous statements, such as tweets labeling media stories “fake news.”
The alt-right group is a loosely-knit movement of conspiracy theorists, techno-libertarians, white nationalists, and trolls. This group has a self-referential culture, and the imagery it spreads is sincere. It is worth noting, however, that Trump is no alt-right digital-news geek. He is not, by any means, a fan of this culture.
In several instances, Trump capitalizes “The Fake News Media,” implying that this group is an entity. This signals that Trump does not view the mainstream media as an elite group. The use of the term implies that he does not consider the media elite, and is thus able to excuse it for “fake news” stories that he disagrees with. In addition, Trump often uses negative terms, such as “wrong,” “incorrect,” and ‘phony news’ to make his point. He also makes an implied reference to CNN, which supposedly did polls that suggested that he would win.