What Size Is Facebook Cover Photo?
You probably wonder, what size is Facebook cover photo? The answer is 640×360 pixels. It changes from time to time. Sometimes it changes every few months. Here are some guidelines for setting up the right size. You might be surprised by what you find! Also, keep in mind that Facebook cover photo sizes can change on their own! If you notice, they will change your photo size periodically. In such a case, you may want to check the size of your cover photo every few months.
The ideal Facebook cover photo should be eighty two centimeters tall and four hundred and sixty-two pixels wide. For optimum visual appeal, the ideal size is four hundred and sixty-two pixels on desktops, and six hundred and forty-two pixels on mobile devices. See the article : What is Facebook Engagement and How Can You Increase It?. Despite the limitations of the size, Facebook still allows users to reposition their cover photos. For a more immersive experience, consider adding a video to your cover photo instead.
When using a video, keep in mind that a large portion of your audience uses mobile devices. Consequently, the ideal size of a video is the same as that of a standard desktop cover photo. A video, on the other hand, is a good option if you want to share more information about your business. Make sure that the video is the same width and length as the standard desktop cover photo. If you want to upload your video, you can use Sprout Social’s Asset Library, which lets you use pre-approved media to update your Facebook cover photo.
When setting up your cover photo, be sure to use the recommended size. Facebook has been known to change the cover photo size periodically, so it is important to keep this in mind. Depending on the size of your cover photo, the sides of the image may crop out. This may interest you : How to See Sent Friend Requests on Facebook. It is also important to remember that mobile users can experience heavy cropping. For this reason, it is important to center important information within the photo.
The ideal size for Facebook cover photos is 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. For desktops, this is about the size of an average portrait. On smartphones, it is 640 by 360 pixels. This size is suitable for both mobile devices and desktop computers. If you’re unsure, you can start by taking measurements of your cover photo. A cover photo that is too big will cause distortion, so keep it within the recommended size.
The ideal Facebook cover photo size is 820px wide and 312px tall. Whether you’re on a desktop or a mobile, there are a few golden rules to follow. Firstly, the image should be resonant with your target audience. To see also : How to Unfriend All Friends on Facebook. This way, it will inspire them to click your buttons. The mobile format is not suitable for arrows because they tend to look aggressive. Also, the image should have a clear call to action.
Secondly, the Facebook cover photo size on mobile is different from that on desktop. The photo must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall for mobiles. It should also be of sRGB color space, and less than 100 kilobytes. Thirdly, the image must not be too large. You can use free photo editing software like Canva to crop the photo, and upload it to your profile.
640 x 360 pixels
Your Facebook cover photo is the second banner you’ll upload to your page. It should be 640 x 360 pixels, but you can use an 820 x 312 pixel photo for the desktop version as well. Make sure to make the photo at least this wide to ensure the best viewing experience on both desktops and mobile devices. Also, make sure that your cover photo is not too narrow and tall, since it will show up cropped on the sides.
When designing your Facebook cover photo, you should be aware of the dimensions for desktops, tablets, and mobiles. Desktops and tablets will display cover photos at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall, while smartphones will display them at 640 x 360 pixels. However, keep in mind that the cover photo will look different on different devices, so make sure to use the same size for all devices.