What Should My YouTube Banner Be?
When people click on a YouTube link, the first thing they see is your channel’s banner. Creating the perfect banner design can be tricky, as you don’t want it to be too simplistic or complex, because it won’t attract the right viewers. A complex banner will leave people scratching their heads and not watching your videos. If people are confused as to what your channel is about, they’ll simply look somewhere else.
Safe area (or safe zone) on a YouTube banner
The Safe area (also called the “safe zone”) on a YouTube banner plays a critical role in the display on mobile phones. The area of your YouTube banner that will display on mobile screens is 1235 by 338 pixels and should be centered. On the same subject : How to Delete a YouTube Comment. The safe zone will be resized based on the width of the device, so it is vital that your image’s theme and font are consistent with your brand’s visual language.
When designing a YouTube banner, it is important to keep in mind that users will be viewing the banner on a variety of devices, including desktops, mobile phones, and televisions. The safe zone will contain important information, such as your brand name and website address. However, if you want your banner to appear on all these devices, you can use an image editing software to make your design responsive across devices.
High-definition image
The most important element in your YouTube banner is size. If the image is too big, it will be stretched too wide or will appear letterboxed on smaller devices. Fortunately, there are some ways to ensure that your banner looks perfect on all screens. On the same subject : How to Save Videos From YouTube. Keep the file size under 6MB and ensure that the image will be the right size for all devices. If you use a high-quality image, you will not experience any pixelization problems.
Before uploading a high-quality image for your YouTube banner, make sure it fits within the image size specifications. Most high-definition images should fit into this range. The banner’s safe area should be 1540 x 427 pixels to ensure that the important information can be read on smaller devices. Moreover, it should be as sharp as possible. You can crop the image to highlight the essential elements.
Incorporating a simple and memorable logo into your YouTube banner can have powerful marketing effects. Using a design that stimulates curiosity increases the chance of a consumer staying longer. This may interest you : How to Grow Your YouTube Channel – 3 Tips to Make Your Videos Longer and Increase Your Subscribers. For example, Peachy Tutorials’ YouTube banner is a simple design incorporating a single, small-sized logo. The logo’s simple yet striking look suggests a tech-related business, while the banner’s other elements suggest indie music and fashion.
If you’re having trouble creating a logo, you can use a photo of your brand or product. Using a human face as an alternative is another effective strategy. However, the human face should be kept as simple as possible. Using an abstract painting is also a creative option if you’d like to incorporate a human face. However, if you’re using a video of a real person, you should keep it simple.
A YouTube banner can contain a lot of text. The text can describe the content on the channel in a way that viewers won’t find elsewhere. A good example of a text-based YouTube banner is Hobbyland’s, which describes the content of the channel and encourages viewers to subscribe. However, a YouTube banner should still be simple enough for viewers to click on the CTA text and learn more about the channel.
The image that you choose for the YouTube banner can be as simple as a photo as a background and a slogan or tagline. Alternatively, you can create a basic info tab and a links section in the banner. If your banner is for a video channel, you can create a photo of your business to serve as a background. Make sure to make your brand logo, tagline, and CTA stand out, as these elements are crucial to attracting viewers.