What Should I Tweet First on Twitter?
A good first tweet should be related to your business. Holidays or events are ideal topics to tweet about. Show that your brand is human by sending warm wishes on holidays and expressing gratitude for memorable events. If you can, upload a picture or video related to your brand. If you’re not sure what to tweet first, check out some ideas from CobbM, a web design company. They offer some great examples of first tweet content.
Create an account with a unique username
To make your account stand out, create a unique Twitter username. This will make it easier for people to find you and recognize your brand name. You can use your own name or a brand name if you want. However, if you want to make your account easy to find, you can use your company name as your username. For example, Bufferapp uses their name as its Twitter handle. That way, people can easily find it when they want to check it out.
It is best to create an account with an original name rather than using a shortened version of your current one. It should be short and descriptive. If you’re having trouble choosing a username, try rhyming your first and last names. This may interest you : What is Stan Twitter and Why Should You Avoid It?. Alternatively, you can add adjectives or location as a suffix. This will make it more memorable and interesting for people to find you.
Prioritize tweets from customers, media mentions and other high priority tweets
You may have noticed that your Twitter feed looks very different from other social media platforms. In the early days, tweets were displayed in reverse chronological order. Later, Twitter introduced a content sorting algorithm, which prioritizes tweets that people are most likely to read. See the article : How to Follow WhenCallsTheHeart on Twitter. This change increased your chances of being noticed by your audience and ultimately drove more engagement with your content. But what should you do when you’ve received a tweet about your product or service? The following are a few tips to make your tweets stand out from the rest.
o Create short, sweet and relevant tweets. Tweets with images, videos or other visuals are more engaging. Twitter’s algorithm prioritization system emphasizes tweets that are shorter, fresher and more relevant to your audience. Short and sweet tweets with a call to action are also more likely to get read and clicked on than long, lengthy tweets with no context or information.
Keep tweets short
If you want your tweets to have a higher click-through rate, keep your content short and sweet on Twitter. Tweets are limited to 140 characters, which includes hashtags, @mentions, and some sort of link. Custom shortlinks will save you a few characters. On the same subject : How to Mute a Word on Twitter. Aim for 120 to 130 characters. Also, avoid saying things like “I don’t know” or “that’s too long.”
Twitter is trying to make the experience easier for new users by introducing a step-by-step guide to writing more effective tweets. Using action words such as “RT” and “please” can help you generate more engagement. In fact, Zarrella’s research shows that tweets with action words have a 12X higher click-through rate than those without them. Also, action words make writing stronger. Using different types of tweets can help you achieve different marketing objectives.
Use visual assets to communicate more with each tweet
If you use images or videos in your Twitter communications, you can boost your engagement rate significantly. According to a report published by Twitter in 2014, Tweets with photos and videos received a 28% increase in Retweets. These types of visuals not only attract attention, but also deliver more relevant content. Use them to make your Twitter content stand out from the crowd. And, don’t forget to use them in presentations!
Use hashtags
If you want to get the most out of Twitter, you should use hashtags to make your posts more visible. While hashtags are not case-sensitive, they are easier to understand in case you use them in quotes. You can also use hashtags to find content on other social media sites that is relevant to your topic. These are buzzwords that make your tweets more visible to people who are interested in the topic.
Hashtags also help to bring a community together. They are useful for bringing people together and adding order to a fast-paced and scattered platform. They can also be effective engagement generators. Blogger-related Twitter accounts regularly host Twitter chats, where they ask audience members a series of questions and then respond to them with relevant hashtags. They can also be used to find popular brands and gain new followers.