What is the Name of the Sea Shanty on TikTok?
People all over the world have been sharing their versions of the sea shanty on TikTok. The most famous version is one by Wellerman, which is the same as the theme song of the Disney movie Shrek. Other versions include songs from Shrek, well-known sea shanty tunes, and even the famous whaling song from 19th century.
“Wellerman is the name of the sea shantee on TikTok,” tweeted the Twitter user @Beertheist. It was followed by a video of Promise Uzowulu’s reaction when her brother started playing the sea shanty. It went viral on TikTok, receiving over one million likes and nearly five million views. While the video itself is not original, Promise’s experience with the shanty makes it all the more touching.
Despite being a mailman, Nathan Evans is a singer with a unique and infectious voice. His eerie, atmospheric rendition of the sea shanty “The Wellerman” has surpassed all previous renditions on TikTok and has become an Internet meme. Read also : What Are the Leggings That Are Popular on TikTok?. The video has garnered over one million views and has spawned many spinoffs.
Electro Shanty
When it comes to catching attention on social media, one way to do it is by posting an Electro Shanty on TikTok. The music of this sea shanty is centuries old, with a steady pulse and harmonies. To see also : How Do I Find the Name of a Song on TikTok?. A Scottish postman posted a video of himself singing the sea shanty on the app, and the video went viral. Many other users have followed suit, stitching their own versions together to create the viral sensation known as ShantyTok.
Initially, sea shanties were used to keep sailors on time, and were meant to be easy to sing. This has made them ideal for the collaborative nature of TikTok. Some users have also added bass harmonies and knitted jumpers to perform sea shanty tunes. This trend has been welcomed by many celebrities, including SpaceX founder Elon Musk and comedian Amy Miller.
Shrek melody
A YouTube user named Content Cultivator has been reimagining the classic Shrek melody into a sea shanty for TikTok. The new cover of the song gives the popular song a playful, adventurous feel. As the voice of the Disney princess, Matt Groening, the song’s composer, has a strong musical sense, it’s not surprising that this YouTuber has embraced the Shrek craze.
19th-century whaling song
A 19th-century whaling song has been making waves on TikTok. The song is called Billy O’ Tea. It’s about a ship that supplied supplies to the whalers during their long trips. To see also : What Drake Song is Used on TikTok?. In the song, the Wellerman gives tea, sugar, and rum to the sailors. The sailors were underpaid and were literally paid for the goods they brought back. The song also mentions the “triangle slave trade” in the Atlantic.
The Wellerman is an epic sea shanty that tells the story of the Billy of Tea, a ship that caught a giant whale in New Zealand. Wellerman’s six verses describe the hardships of the crew as they fight to land the whale. The song is a contemporary take on an ancient folkloric tradition. It has garnered over 69 million views and continues to gain popularity.