The Man Who Killed Osama Bin Laden is Banned From Flying on Delta Air Lines
The man who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden is banned from flying on Delta Air Lines. The company recently imposed a policy that requires passengers to cover their faces when flying on the plane to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill, who fired several shots into bin Laden’s head during the 2011 raid, is now banned from the airline. The tweet that led to the ban reads: “I’m not a pussy!”
O’Neill tweets about killing osama bin Laden
Former Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill has denied the conspiracy theories that have surrounded the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. In a Twitter post, he says that he killed the terrorist after rebuffing President Trump’s claims that the SEALs used a body double to kill the former terrorist. The former SEAL has served in the Navy for 16 years and was fired from SEAL Team 6 after the raid revealed that he was frequently frequenting Virginia Beach bars. The Intercept has since reported that O’Neill is openly bragging about the mission that killed bin Laden.
O’Neill has never responded to HuffPost’s request for comment on his fiery tweet. His Twitter followers noted that his comments went beyond his political opinion, claiming that he was a specific soldier in the raid that killed bin Laden. This claimed by O’Neill sparked controversy among Navy SEALs who were sworn to secrecy. See the article : Is 3000 Twitter Followers a Lot?. After the incident, O’Neill parlayed his fame by becoming a Fox News contributor. He has also tried stand-up comedy.
O’Neill has spent the past two days rebuking his critics and attempting to gain attention through Twitter. Despite Delta’s ban on him, he has tweeted about the controversial incident. The company said that the mask policy has banned 160 passengers. Many Twitter users have pointed out that the tweets about killing Osama bin Laden are racist and unconvincing. Despite his tweets, Delta has now banned him from flying on their planes.
Former navy SEAL claims to have put three bullets in bin Laden’s head
Robert O’Neill, a former navy SEAL who served in Afghanistan, claims to have put three bullets in the head of Osama Bin Laden. His claim to have killed the terrorist has been widely disputed, and his breach of the code of silence has upset some of his brother-in-arms. This may interest you : How to Link Twitter to Facebook. However, excerpts from the book, The Operator, seem to indicate a high-octum and blow-by-by-by-by-by-blow narrative.
A former Navy SEAL who says he killed Osama bin Laden says the al-Qaeda leader’s head was so badly damaged that it had to be pressed back together for identification. In a new book, the ex-SEAL team’s shooter Robert O’Neill reiterates his claim that he alone killed the architect of the 9/11 attacks. In the book, O’Neill, a member of SEAL Team 6, describes the nighttime raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
The attack was reported as self-defence by the White House, but some Seals were disturbed by the defenseless response of the U.S. troops. The Seals also killed two members of Bin Laden’s inner circle, including his trusted courier Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. In addition to O’Neill’s claim of being able to put three bullets in bin Laden’s head, one of the women he killed was also killed by the Seals.
Trump retweets tweet about killing osama bin laden
President Trump retweeted a bogus conspiracy theory about the killing of Osama bin Laden. In this tweet, the President cites a report by the QAnon-linked conspiracy website. The report says that Navy SEAL Team 6 did not kill bin Laden. On the same subject : What is the Main Purpose of Twitter?. While it is true that the SEAL Team did kill bin Laden, Trump’s tweet is misleading and a lie. However, the author of the tweet, Robert O’Neill, a retired U.S. Navy Seal, has a different version.
The QAnon conspiracy theory has been gaining traction after President Trump retweeted it. The QAnon website promotes the unfounded belief that the 9/11 terrorist leader may be alive. In the retweet, Trump also mocked the troops and suggested that Gold Star families might have contracted the coronavirus. The military has expressed concern about the President’s amplification of such conspiracy theories.
During the 2011 Neptune Spear raid, the SEAL Team six member Robert O’Neill fired the shot that killed the terrorist. The incident was allegedly staged by former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. In the alleged conspiracy, the two men paid Iran $152 billion for the SEAL Team 6 members’ death. In response, the SEAL Team 6 members have criticized the Trump administration for defending the killing.