How to Use Twitter Circles in Your Tweets
If you want to Tweet to a particular group of people, then you must know how to use Twitter‘s Circle feature. You can do this by adding people to your Circle. This article will show you how to add people to your Circle, how to edit your Circle, and how to Retweet. Read on to learn how to use Twitter Circles in your tweets. You’ll be able to reach a wider audience with your tweets!
Tweeting to a specific group of people
Using Communities on Twitter allows you to share particular discussions with a selected group of people, and avoid broadcasting them to all of your followers. While Communities are still in the early stages, it could open up a whole new world of post-sharing options for users. This may interest you : How to Increase Your Follower Count on Twitter Without Spending Money. Another future feature is Flocks, which could further separate your tweet audience and add another perspective to the conversation. Twitter previews this option in July of last year.
A hashtag is a word or phrase that you type in a search field. You can type a specific word or phrase and it will return a list of tweets that contain the word or phrase. However, make sure that the hashtag is only alphanumeric – any other characters will be stripped out of the results. There are different hashtags for different topics, so make sure to use them accordingly.
Adding people to your Twitter Circle
You can add up to 150 people to your Twitter Circle. However, since the feature is in its early stages, only some users can make one. Adding people to your Twitter Circle doesn’t prevent you from seeing their tweets, and you can still interact with them if you want. This may interest you : How to Change Twitter Settings to See Sensitive Content on iPhone. For best results, you should only add mutuals, who are also likely to be your friends. By default, you will only see the tweets from those in your Circle.
Adding people to your Twitter Circle is similar to the “Close Friends” feature on Instagram. It’s similar to adding people to a group without announcing the addition or removal. Only the author of the Circle can see the list of people who are in it. If you’re adding people to your Circle to communicate with them, you can use the “Circle” feature to send them a private message.
Editing your Twitter Circle
You can easily add and remove people from your Twitter Circle by selecting them in the Choose audience menu. To edit your Twitter Circle, simply select the Edit link underneath the list of recommended individuals. Then, you can either type in the person’s name or select them from the suggested list. To see also : How Much Does Twitter Cost Per Month?. Once done, you can continue writing your tweet. Only the users that you’ve included in your Twitter Circle can see your Tweets. In addition, you can also change the members of your Twitter Circle by clicking the arrow next to their names.
If you’ve recently created an account with Twitter, you may have noticed a new feature called “Twitter Circle.” This feature allows you to set a smaller list of followers that you want to see your tweets. The limit for your Circle is 150 people, and the green indicator means that only those people can see your tweets. It’s similar to the feature in Instagram stories, but this feature is still in beta testing.
Retweeting to your Twitter Circle
You can change who receives retweets by retweeting to your Twitter Circle. To do this, you can tap the All menu and select the audience tab. Then, search for people to add to your Twitter Circle. You can include up to 150 people in your Twitter Circle. When you retweet someone, they will not see your retweet, but you will receive a green notification.
To test retweeting to your Twitter Circle, you can type a tweet. When the Twitter app asks you whether you want to share the tweet with a smaller group, choose “Yes.”