How to Turn Dark Mode on Facebook on Your Mobile Device
Facebook has recently rolled out a new dark mode feature that can help you browse the social network with ease. While the new feature is still in beta, it offers a more streamlined experience for those who prefer to use the social network at night. You can learn how to enable the feature in your mobile device below. Once enabled, the dark mode will change the color scheme on your Facebook account. This new feature is not limited to certain countries, however.
It is a streamlined way to access the social network
To enable the dark mode on Facebook, visit Settings. You will find it under the Legal and Policies menu, and by clicking on it, you will see the version number of the app. If it is version 300 or lower, you must update it to ensure that the social network looks best on your device. On the same subject : How to Delete a Group in Facebook. The process of updating the app is simple and only requires a few clicks. Once you have done this, the social network will display in dark mode.
You can activate the dark mode on Facebook by logging into the right account. If you are logged into a different account, look for the profile icon on the top-right corner of your screen, above the text “What’s on your mind?” The icon will have three horizontal lines running through it, and a hamburger icon. This will open your profile in a dark mode.
It is preferable to use at night
One of the best ways to reduce eye strain is to use Facebook’s dark mode. This mode replaces the bright white background with black or shades of gray. Many studies suggest that darkened screens are more pleasant for the eyes, especially at night. On the same subject : How to Turn Off Facebook Sounds on Your Android Phone. Not only will dark mode make it easier to read text on Facebook, but it will also help you sleep better at night. The dark background will also reduce the amount of blue light entering your device, which will improve your sleep.
To enable dark mode on Facebook, open the app and swipe up from the bottom. You can also press the “light” button at the top left corner of the screen. You will need the latest version of Facebook for this feature to work. Make sure you have the latest OS and the most recent Facebook update. You’ll find three options for enabling Dark Mode: On to make the app dark all the time, Off to make it light again, and System to adjust the appearance of the app to the phone’s settings.
It is currently unfinished
Facebook is working on a dark mode for its Android app. The new version of the app has already undergone testing, but not everyone can access it. The new feature is also not available for users of the main Facebook app. To see also : How to Change Page Name on Facebook. But this will soon change. The social networking giant is adding more users to its beta tester group to continue testing. This will allow more people to get the dark mode as it becomes available to more users.
While Facebook’s dark mode is not yet available for all users, it was available for some users as recently as yesterday. Many users are unhappy with this change, which was intended to make the interface more readable. It also uses less battery life. The social network is still working on implementing this feature, but it’s likely to be released soon. If you’d like to use it, you’ll have to download the Facebook beta.
It is available to everyone
Facebook recently introduced dark mode in its new desktop design. However, it wasn’t available to all users until October 2020. If you’re using an older browser, you’ll have to switch to the new version to access the new feature. Users with older browsers will need to switch to the new version to see the dark mode. Once you’ve switched to the new version, you’ll be able to toggle between the two modes.
The feature has been in the testing stage for several months and has already been launched in other apps. Facebook has now announced that it is rolling out the feature to its main mobile app. The launch video features app industry superstar Jane Manchun Wong, a reverse engineer who has developed a dark mode solution for Facebook. Although it hasn’t been fully launched yet, it’s worth trying it if you’re using a mobile browser.
It is customizable
Facebook’s dark mode can be turned on or off, depending on your preference. Facebook offers this option for Android and iOS devices. To use dark mode on your device, tap the three lines icon in the bottom menu bar. On the Settings & Privacy screen, click on the “Dark Mode” option. Once enabled, Facebook should display in dark mode. To turn it off, follow the same steps. Dark mode is customizable.
Once enabled, Facebook will change the app’s appearance to black and white. This new feature is only available on the New Facebook application, so if you’re using an old version, you’ll need to switch to the app’s latest version to activate dark mode. It will look like this: