How to Restrict Someone on Facebook
If you want to block someone on Facebook, you can either add them to your Restricted list or create a post that will not be visible to them. You can also choose to block them altogether, if that’s what you need. This article will discuss each option. Let’s get started. Read on! We’ll also explain what “blocking” means. If you want to keep certain posts private from people, this is a good option.
Restricted list
Are you wondering how to restrict someone on Facebook? There are several options for this. While a person cannot block anyone directly, they can choose to limit the types of interactions they can have with a restricted friend. Facebook also limits the posts that people who are on the restricted list can see. See the article : Reasons Why Facebook is Not Working For You. Restricted contacts are not visible to PC users, but they can still contact you through Messenger. Here are the ways to do it. To restrict someone on Facebook, click on the “Restricted” button and choose the person.
On the desktop website, tap on the Friends option in the top-left corner of your screen. Next, tap on the Restricted list. You can also remove restricted friends. You can then delete restricted contacts by deleting them or assigning them to other lists. Facebook also lets you make posts that are visible only to certain people. This can be done by opening the browser on your PC and selecting the audience of the post. Then, tap on the “x” next to the person’s name.
To block a friend, follow the steps listed above. First, add that person to the restricted list. You can also select the “Friends” audience. Afterward, they won’t be able to see your posts anymore. You can also tag the person in your posts if you’d like them to see them. This will prevent your posts from appearing in their News Feed or on their profile. This option is not recommended if you want to keep a private conversation with someone else.
Making a post that won’t be visible to them
Are you wondering how to restrict someone on Facebook? First of all, you must remember that nothing you post online is ever truly private. Even if you have set the post to “private” or “protected,” a random hacker can still access it and share it. To see also : Why Was Facebook Down? And How Long Did it Take to Fix?. Even screenshots may be passed along to the wrong people, so posting sensitive information online is not always worth it. This article will explain how to restrict someone on Facebook.
Once you have made your decision to limit access, go to the “Settings” tab in your Facebook account. From here, click on “Friends” and then “Blocking List.” You can add several friends to your list. This way, only the people on your list can see the posts that you have chosen. You can also create several lists. After a few attempts, you should have restricted access to everyone.
To unblock a person, you must send a friend request to them. Then, follow their instructions. You should not receive an email or notification telling you that they’ve been unblocked. This action will unblock both you and the person you’ve blocked. Now, you can make posts that aren’t visible to anyone but the people on the list. To do so, you should open the Facebook browser on your computer and choose “Public” as the audience for your posts.
Blocking a user
When it comes to blocking a user on Facebook, there are two basic ways to do it. The first way is to search for the person’s profile and click on “Block”. The second way is to remove them from your list of page likes. On the same subject : How to Create a Poll on Facebook. This way, you will never have to deal with them again, but it is important to know how to do this properly so that they don’t accidentally like your page.
First of all, you can try to find out whether the person has blocked you. Then, you can check out their friends list. You can also do a search for common friends or profile links. In case you still can’t find them, you can try to deactivate their account. Using another account will not work very well as Facebook will associate it with the real account of the person. Besides, this method may look desperate. In the long run, you risk blocking the “sender’s” account.
To block someone on Facebook, you must follow a few guidelines. First of all, you must log in to the website and select “Settings and privacy”. Then, select “Blocking.” Click the “Edit” button next to the user you want to block. This process is nearly the same as for blocking a user on a mobile device. You can also block someone on your profile by inviting them to a group or event.