How to Hide Comments in Facebook
You can hide comments on Facebook posts and pages. To do so, long press the comment in question. Next, select “Hide Comment.” This will hide the comment for that particular post. When you want to show the comment, simply unhide it again. If you find a comment offensive, you can also report it. Here are some tips to hide comments on Facebook. Follow these steps to make your Facebook posts and pages more private.
Unhiding a comment
If you’ve accidentally hidden a comment on your Facebook timeline, you can easily unhide it later. Simply hover over the comment and tap the three dots to remove or hide it. Alternatively, you can search for the post using its name, then find the comment and tap it to view it. Read also : How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Facebook. Here are some steps for hiding and unhiding a comment on Facebook. Make sure to follow these steps to prevent others from doing so.
Hiding a comment
You can use a Facebook comment hider to make a certain comment invisible to all but you and the poster. This way, users cannot see the link that is attached to the comment. However, the poster and their Facebook friends will still see the hidden comment. On the same subject : Our Predictions For The Social Media Trends To Watch Out For This Year. If the poster finds the link offensive, he can still reply. In addition, he can continue to post replies to the hidden comment. Once the comment is hidden, it is not visible to anyone else until the user decides to unhide it.
Delete a comment
You can delete a comment in Facebook by going to the comment page and tapping on the tiny arrow on the right of the text. Then, you can select the option to “Delete this comment” and the comment will be gone forever. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. Read also : How Many People Are on Facebook? Facts You Should Know. First, you must make sure the comment has been published. You can also edit the comment before deleting it, which will allow you to change it if you wish.
Setting up a rule to automatically hide comments
If you want to make sure that comments that are not appropriate for your page don’t get posted on your page, you can set up a rule to automatically hide them. You can set up rules on a specific post or on a profile. Once you have defined the rule and selected a trigger, you can define what happens next. You can also choose a specific action if you want to see the comments before they are hidden.
Changing a rule
Using Facebook’s social media management tools, you can set a rule to hide comments from your profile. By clicking on the hide control link below a post or on the right-hand side when you hover over it, you can select different management options. Hiding comments from your profile will only hide them from Page administrators, but they will still show up to friends of the poster. Changing a rule to hide comments in Facebook can help you avoid the negative feedback that many users leave in their posts.
Creating a rule
If you don’t want everyone to see your Facebook comments, you can easily create a rule to hide them. To do so, first select your profile. If you don’t want people to see your comments, select Hide and set a time limit to when the rule will be applied. Facebook does have a number of different settings that you can configure for your new rule. You can even automate some of these settings.
Using a rule
You may want to hide some comments on Facebook. Doing this can keep offensive or inappropriate content from appearing on your page. This option is particularly helpful if a comment is offensive or you do not want to engage in it. You can hide comments by clicking on them and choosing the “Hide comment” option from the third menu option. Hide comments only if they contain hateful language or inappropriate content.