How to Design a Facebook Cover Photo
Designing a Facebook cover photo can be tricky. You need to take into consideration the size of text for both desktop and mobile devices. Try to limit your text to a few words unless it is easy to read and is not too long. Adding a hashtag is an acceptable way to include short text. Text should not clutter a great image, so make sure you think about the use and purpose of the text before adding it.
Create a consistent brand with your Facebook profile
Your Facebook cover photo must be 400 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall. If you want to create a more impactful photo, you can go with a larger picture. Facebook recommends a file size of 100kb, but you can always opt for a smaller image if you’re pressed for time. Read also : How to Announce Your Pregnancy on Social Media. The file format should be JPG, PNG, or sRGB. To help you create an eye-catching cover photo, try using Canva’s pre-made templates.
You should show your products or services as your cover photo. While it may seem more appealing to put a photo of your office on your profile, it’s important to convey the message clearly. It’s important to show the product in context, and it should match the rest of the page’s content. If you’re running a consulting business, for example, you may want to use a picture of your office space.
Take a photo
When deciding what to use for your Facebook cover photo, you need to keep a few things in mind. First, you need to know that the recommended image size is 820×462 pixels. While this may seem big, Facebook will actually crop the photo to fit the frame. On the same subject : Is Facebook Marketing Free?. That means that if your cover photo is too short, it will have its sides cut off. Next, remember that your cover photo needs to be of high quality.
One of the most challenging design elements of a Facebook cover photo is the text. Not only should it be short and easily readable, it should also look consistent on both desktop and mobile. Text should never clutter a great image, so it should be placed carefully. You should also consider how your cover photo will look on different devices. Hopefully, these tips have helped you create a Facebook cover photo that you’ll be proud to share with friends and family!
Crop it for mobile
You’ve probably heard that Facebook changes the size of its cover images on mobile. But there’s more to Facebook’s new cropping system than you might think. For example, you can’t just upload a picture that’s 820 pixels wide and 360 pixels high – you must also crop it for mobile. On the same subject : Why Have My Photo Albums Disappeared on Facebook?. Here’s how to crop a Facebook cover photo for mobile. First, save your picture as a PNG file, with extra 75 pixels on the top and bottom.
Next, make sure that your photo is the right size to fit the Facebook guidelines. If your cover photo is too large, it may cut off the text. Fortunately, you can fix this by using a template or simply uploading a completed image. To crop a Facebook cover photo for mobile, make sure to center important information within the image. Remember that Facebook does not automatically adjust cover photo sizes, so you need to crop the image in a way that looks best.
Place important parts of your cover photo in the green space
When choosing the best Facebook cover photo, consider the size and placement of important parts of the image. Mobile devices display a smaller version of the cover photo than desktop computers, leaving more room around it. Unless you place important parts of your cover photo in the green space, visitors viewing your cover photo may miss some of the most important content. For mobile users, place these parts in the green space to ensure proper display of your cover photo.
The first thing you should do is choose a template that includes the necessary dimensions. Ensure that your cover photo is 399 x 150 pixels, or else Facebook will stretch it. If it is not, use a cover photo template. Remember that you can convert your cover photo into a video if you want. Don’t forget to make sure your cover photo contains at least 20% text, since Facebook will automatically shrink it down to fit.
Sprout Social can help you create a great cover photo
If you want your cover photo to have a professional appearance, you’ll want to pick the right one. Facebook’s cover photo is public, so choosing a good image will help convey a professional image. Sprout’s Landscape feature lets you resize your photo, introduce your team, and enhance your professional image. Let’s look at the best ways to use this powerful tool.
When choosing a cover photo for your Facebook page, keep in mind that 98.5% of Facebook users access the network from mobile devices. This means you need to take into consideration that mobile users only see a small part of the image. The right side of the cover photo is typically cropped out. Use this to your advantage by choosing an appropriate size and style for your Facebook cover photo.