How to Delete Facebook Ad Account Permanently
If you’re an advertiser on Facebook, you’re probably wondering how to delete Facebook ad account permanently. Luckily, there are two other ways to close or deactivate your account, and they both won’t harm your payment information or campaign data. This article will explain how to deactivate your account and how to filter ads to show only those you’re not happy with. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
You may have noticed that your ads have been rejected by Facebook. If this happens, you should delete the ads as soon as possible. However, you cannot delete them from Facebook entirely. To see also : How to Remove Followers on Facebook. Facebook allows you to appeal disapproval decisions. Delete the ads as soon as possible and you can reduce the risk of compliance bots flagging your account. Follow the steps below to delete Facebook ad account disapprovals.
First, read Facebook’s rules and guidelines. Some ads have been disapproved because they contain inappropriate content or violate their terms and conditions. Facebook screens the ads carefully and removes those that violate their terms and conditions. You should not place ads with sarcasm or violate the policies of any group. Moreover, ads should not target any underage audience or other inappropriate demographics. Moreover, you should make sure that the ads you have uploaded are relevant and high-quality.
Filtering ads to show only problematic ads
Although the new Google ad filter is a welcome step toward reducing the number of annoying and problematic ads, the company does not go far enough. The new filter is only meant to address the issue of adblocking, not to solve the broader problem of tracking and privacy violations. To see also : How to Tag People on Facebook. The Coalition for Better Ads is a group comprised of big publishers, ad networks, and tech providers. This new initiative is likely to have a wide impact on the industry, as Google controls the power to impose the Better Ads Standards.
Getting your ad account deactivated
Getting your Facebook ad account deactived is a big mistake, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. You can fix this mistake and regain access to your Facebook account within a few days. To see also : How Do I Get on Facebook?. However, there are certain situations when Facebook will disable your ad account for no apparent reason. In such a case, it is best to contact Facebook within three days and request for a suspension of your account.
The most common reason for getting your Facebook ad account deactivated is a repeat offense. In the case of an ad account suspension, Facebook will look into the ad itself and whether it matches the advertised product. In addition, if the ad is generating more clicks than it should, Facebook will suspend it. However, the reason why your ad account has been disabled isn’t entirely clear.
Documenting past disapprovals
While a Facebook ad can be disapproved, you can delete it or appeal the decision. Regardless of the decision, you should delete the ads as soon as possible. Doing so minimizes the likelihood of them being disapproved again, and it will also ensure that your future ads are not hindered by past mistakes. While Facebook changes their ad policies often, you can minimize the risk of being disapproved by documenting past disapprovals.
To document past disapprovals when deleting e-commerce ads, take a screenshot of the ad in your news feed. Alternatively, you can access your Ads Manager account to delete the disapproved ad. Make sure to save the dates so you can see the current results. The date range is also important when deleting a Facebook ad account.