How to Allow Explanatory Content on Twitter
You may want to turn off the warning message that says, ‘This tweet may contain material that is considered sensitive’ on Twitter. If you see this message on your profile or in search results, it means that Twitter might contain explicit content. To turn it off, follow these steps. If you’re still unsure, read on to find out how to turn off the warning message. You’ll need to adjust your privacy settings to make it work correctly.
Turn off ‘This tweet might include material that may be sensitive’
Twitter allows you to disable ‘This tweet might contain material that is sensitive’ when you post a tweet. This feature is usually hidden from searches, but you can choose to enable it in your settings. You can see a warning if a post contains sensitive material if you have this setting enabled. To see also : How to See Your Contacts on Twitter. Alternatively, you can disable it altogether. You can choose to enable the warning on Twitter mobile and desktop.
To turn off the ‘This tweet might include material that is sensitive’ warning in Twitter, go to Settings and click on Safety. Scroll down to ‘Content safety’ and click the toggle next to ‘This tweet may contain material that is sensitive’. Once you’ve done this, you can continue to post content without worrying about the ‘This tweet might contain sensitive material’ warning.
Turn off ‘Show potentially sensitive content’
If you’ve been feeling the need to control what other people see in your Twitter feed, you can disable the ‘Show potentially sensitive content’ warning. To do this, head to the Settings section of your account, then select Privacy. Next, tap on Your Tweets and select the potentially sensitive content warning toggle. Read also : Why Use Twitter As a Marketing Channel. Keep this toggle enabled if you rarely post NSFW content. If you’re not sure whether to disable the warning, you can check your Twitter account’s documentation to see the option.
This setting is useful if you’re unsure whether a specific post contains NSFW material. Twitter’s automated techniques can detect sensitive content and label it accordingly. Consequently, when you upload a video on Twitter, if it contains explicit content, Twitter will flag it as NSFW. Your live video will be removed permanently if you don’t want others to view it.
Turn off ‘Show sensitive content’ in search results
If you find that you are being bombarded with tweets containing racial, sexual or religious content, you may wish to turn off ‘Show sensitive content’ in your Twitter search results. There are several ways you can do this. On the same subject : How to Unfollow Everyone on Twitter. The most obvious way is to turn off ‘Show sensitive content’ under the search bar. If you don’t want these tweets to show up in searches, you can simply uncheck the ‘Show sensitive content’ box in the Tweet media section.
Alternatively, you can enable the ‘Show sensitive content’ toggle in your Twitter account settings. Doing this will prevent the application from showing posts with’sensitive content’, and it will also permanently remove this option. The process is the same on iOS and Android, but the steps are different. To turn off the sensitive content toggle, go to your profile and tap the ‘Privacy & Safety’ button.
Turn off ‘Show sensitive content’ in tweets
You may have noticed that Twitter flags some tweets with a sensitivity warning. While most users are not bothered by these warnings, you may be. You can turn off the sensitivity flags for tweets by navigating to your Twitter account settings. This feature is only available for media-filled tweets. If you’d rather avoid sensitive content altogether, you can leave the sensitivity flags on.
Twitter has a strict policy about what is not appropriate for users. It is therefore up to you to choose what you see. The “This Tweet Might Contain Sensitive Content” layer lets you decide which tweets contain sensitive content. You can turn off sensitivity content in tweets on Twitter’s desktop, mobile, and web interfaces. By enabling this feature, you can be assured that your tweets will not be viewed by anyone who may be sensitive.