Hide Your Subscriber Count on YouTube
Hide your YouTube subscriber count. There are a couple of reasons to hide your subscriber count on YouTube. When you are just starting out on YouTube, you might have a small number of subscribers and many viewers may be reluctant to subscribe to a channel that is still new. In these cases, hiding your subscribers can help you in the early days, but you can always remove it once your channel grows larger.
Why you should hide your subscriber count on youtube
You might be wondering why you should hide your YouTube subscriber count. The truth is, it has multiple reasons. First of all, you’ll need to put in some work to build up your channel and grow your following. Read also : What is YouTube Red?. Many people are put off by low subscriber counts, so you may want to hide yours until your channel grows larger. Also, if you’re new to YouTube, you might only have a few subscribers at first. So, hiding the number may help you in the early days, but after your channel reaches a certain size, you can easily remove it.
However, this method won’t work if you’re on mobile devices. If you’re using a smartphone or tablet, you’ll need to use the desktop mode if you’d like to hide your YouTube subscriber count. The YouTube Studio app, however, is equivalent to hiding your subscribers. You’ll want to open it in your web browser or desktop mode to hide your YouTube subscriber count.
YouTube’s “increase strictness” comment moderation tool
The newest comment moderation tool for YouTube creators is known as ‘increase strictness.’ By default, this setting is on, and will allow creators to increase its strictness to hide subscriber count. Read also : What is the YouTube Thumbnail Size?. However, if you’re tired of spam comments and want to keep your subscriber count private, you can turn off the moderation tool. You’ll find the setting in your channel settings, in the ‘held for review’ tab.
YouTube has made it harder for spammers to impersonate other YouTube channels. This is why it has implemented a new comment moderation tool that lets creators increase the severity of filtering comments. This tool will hold comments that are inappropriate for their channels for review. This tool will be useful in combating fake YouTube channels. Adding it to your settings will make it more difficult for spammers to hide your subscriber count.
Making your subscribers private or public
If you have a YouTube channel, you can choose to make your subscribers private or public. When subscribers subscribe privately, they won’t show up in your subscribers list, but you can still see them if you choose to make your channel public. Read also : How to Optimize and Rank YouTube Videos. However, when your channel is public, all subscribers can see who subscribes to it, including people who don’t have accounts. If you have a private subscription, you won’t see anyone else’s subscribers, but you can always participate in subscriber-only chats and see who is subscribing to your channel.
While private subscribers won’t see your videos in the YouTube feed, they will still view your videos. And they will contribute to your channel metrics. Knowing your subscribers is vital to growing your YouTube channel. This information will help you identify your target market and potential competitors. If you want to make your subscribers private, you’ll need to unsubscribe some of them. But, if you’re unsure of what to do, here are some tips to get started:
YouTube’s advanced settings for hiding subscribers
Using YouTube’s advanced settings for hiding subscriber counts is one way to hide your count from viewers. Some YouTube subscribers are embarrassed by their high subscriber counts or the fact that their channel has more subscribers than they do. If this is the case, you can turn off the subscriber count for a specific channel. To do so, open YouTube Studio and click on “Edit channel.”
To hide your subscriber count, log in with your Google account and go to YouTube studio. Navigate to “Settings,” “Channel,” and then choose “Advanced settings.” From here, you’ll see the Subscribers tab. Here, uncheck “Show Subscribers” and press Memorizes. That’s it! Your subscriber count is now hidden!